Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Lake Slasher part 1 (story/pic)

Lake Slasher part 1

        He had wandered off to the wrong side of the lake.  He had been warned not to go anywhere near the old camp, but the young guy just didn't listen.  He was a member of the boxing squad at his prestigious school, so he figured he could take on any challenge he faced.  

        Despite all of the warnings of crazy killer rednecks roaming the woods on the other side of the lake, he went anyway.

        After a brief piss in the woods on the other side, he was greeted by on of the crazy rednecks with a blade being buried deep in his gut.  His first reaction was to punch the hick in the face, knocking him out cold.

        The young man stumbled backwards a bit, but managed to lean against a tree.  Damn it hurt like hell.  He examined the blade, he knew it was buried in too deep to risk pulling it out.  Mustering out all of his strength, he got back onto his board and began paddling back to the campground on the otherside.

        His knees were weak and shaky.  It took all he had to make each stroke of the paddle.  Blood slowly seeped from the wound and he could feel a throbbing pulse in his abs with every heartbeat.

        He could taste the taste of blood in the back of his mouth.  He started feeling queezy as if he needed to throw up.  He tried to hold it in as long as possible, if only he could make it to the otherside and get medical attention, he could survive this.  

        He did well maintaining his calm, but the pain of each movement, caused him to wince and grimace.  After making it about halfway across the lake, he let out a cough.  A mouthful of blood spit out from his lips and onto his board.

        It was more than he could take, he began vomiting blood by the pints, until in his dizzy and weakened state, he fell off his board and sank to the bottom of the lake, never to be seen again.

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