Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Jungle Outpost #5 (story/pic)

The Young Corporal

Jungle Outpost #5


The young corporal had been bathing in the warm tropical sun.  The suns rays had gently caressed his handsome young body.  The gentle ripple of the waves on the shore calmly let him nap in the warmth of the afternoon.  After a short while, he awoke, unsure of exactly how long he had been sleeping.  He could see the other members of his unit still swimming in the river, so he figured he had only dozed off for a couple minutes.

He stood up and stretched out his beautiful torso, when an assassin jumped out of the grass nearby and rammed a sword deep into his soft gut.  He felt the blade pierce deep into his navel, causing a swelling in his shorts.  He tried to flex away the sharp, stinging pain, but the blade just tore deeper in.  The assassin ripped the blade from the young man's gut and the poor lad fell to his knees, breathing heavily as his manjuices pumped out their final orgasmic flair.  

The young corporal gave a final gasp and fell over on his side.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jungle Outpost #4 (story/pic)



Jungle Outpost #4


Broderick was the strongest man in the unit.  Before the war, he was a professional bodybuilder.  He had gone with the small group of soldiers down to the river for a quick bath and cool-down.  He noticed Marten's boat was drifting away.  Thinking Marten was asleep, he figured he had better get over to him and bring him back before he ended up down river.  He waded down the river to where Marten's boat was.  When, he got there, he found Marten dead.  "Oh, Fuck!"  the soldier yelled.  His heart raced in his broad muscular chest.  "GUYS,,,,,,,  HELP!!!!!"


Broderick had barely let the words escape when an enemy ninja popped out of the water in front of him and buried dagger deep in the soldier's gut.  The soldier let out a loud grunt and his eyes widened as the blade pierced his muscular abs and sank into the softer tissue underneath.  The assassin admired the young soldier's physique as his muscles twiched in his midsection.  

The crisp, sharp pain in the soldier's belly was short-lived and gave way to a numbing the fully encompassed his body as his once powerfully strong physique slumped like a wasted pile of meat in the river.



Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jungle Outpost #3 (story/pic)


Jungle Outpost #3


While the main camp was secretly being infiltrated, a few young soldiers had gone down to the river the try to cool off and wash some of the sweat from their bodies.  The hot humid weather was the most unbearable part of this war.  With the lack of combat, these soldiers had been taking the war more like a vacation, ignoring the rules and basically doing whatever they pleased.

Martin was the one assigned to do the lookout for the others.  He rowed his boat over to a secluded spot where he could keep an eye on his unit, but the instead of staying awake and alert, he casually laid back and took a nap while the warm sun tanned his handsome young body.  As the twenty ear old relaxed in the peacefully calm waters, an enemy soldier slowly waded to the young man's boat.

Martin felt a shadow pass between him and sun.  He opened his eyes only to see the enemy standing over him with a bayonet attached to his rifle.  In a single, quick jab, the bayonet rammed deep into the young soldier's gut.  His head jolted up up briefly as the blade sank deep into his bowels.  A few spasms from his gut wreaked through his body before he finally stilled.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Vengeance (story)


        I walked out into the arena. My young, smooth body glistening in the sunlight. This was my first fight in the arena, but I was ready for it. As the son of one of the greatest lanistas in this town, I was well-acquainted with the arena.

        I also knew my enemy well, the “great” champion of Antium. He was a highway robber who had killed my father and mother as they traveled from the city. I was only fourteen at the time and vowed my revenge. I stood before the magistrate and demanded the man's head. Instead, a rival lanista bribed the magistrate into letting the man fight for him in the arena.

 I watched every fight, hoping to see him fall, instead, I saw him turn from a murderous villain into the “hero” of the city when he slew two gladiators brought by a Roman Senator. Being too young to own my father's gladiators, I was forced to sell them off, retaining only my personal servant, who was only a year older than I. Although I was still well off financially, I spent very little money. Most of the people who saw me walking the streets to the market, only saw some small, lanky boy and looked down on me as one to be pitied.

For the next few years, I had kept a very solitary life. I accepted no guests. The only companion I had was my servant, who, at times, seemed to be more of the master than I was. I spent my time training myself in my father's ludus and he was my doctore. For at least 14 hours every day, he would give me a brutal workout. Each passing hour, my young body ached and yearned to quit from the exhaustive pain. Most other men, better men than I, would have given up. Several times I passed out from the heat, but my servant was there to dowse my head with water and get me back up. My body was still weak, but my mind and heart were fixed.

Each month, I grew stronger and stronger, feeding myself on the same meat and gruel that my father had fed his gladiators on. At the crow of the rooster, before the light of day, I started my sword training until the sun was directly overhead. The heat of the afternoon sun gave me time for my endurance training. In the evening, was my strength training. As the finale of the strength training, I had my servant chain me against the wall and give my abs a long, gut-punching work-over until I could no longer stand on my own feet. He would then, drag me to my bed and lie with me for the evening. When the rooster howled in the pre-dawn light, I was up again.

Each day was the same schedule, with the exception of one day each week, when we would spend the morning in the market purchasing our needs and conducting what little business I could. By the peak of the sun, we lunched and took off on a a six-hour run along the coastline or up into the hills.

Without a break, I trained every day, preparing myself. Through all the pain and turmoil, my heart and mind were focused on one goal. If no other gladiator would arise to avenge my father's death and bring this villain down to the dust, then I would.

Four long years seemed to pass in short time. My pecs and shoulders bulged into hardened rocks. My once smooth belly, transformed itself into a granite washboard. The few times I could see my own reflection, I stood in awe. I, who was once a small gangly boy, was now a god.

I went to the magistrate and presented the challenge against “Antium's greatest champion.” At first, he was reluctant. He kept questioning my skills as a gladiator, and perhaps, I should challenge some lesser to gain more experience first. But, I was not about to become some common spectacle for others' entertainment. This was to be my only fight.

The magistrate knew of my lust for vengeance and justice. “Well,” said he, “You may not have the experience of being a gladiator. But, you most certainly have the heart.”

So, here I stand today, under the hot sun of the arena. The crowd had heard of my challenge and it seemed that all the city had come to watch me avenge the death of my parents. It was astounding to see how quickly the fickle crowd, who had always cheered on their beloved champion had turned against him in an instant. I stood there, blade in hand, awaiting the last entrance that the champion will ever make.

The horns bellowed and the crowd booed as the other gate opened. He walked out from the darkness into the light of day. His massive muscular figure gleaming in the sunlight. I watched him as he flexed for the crowd. I wasn't impressed. All I could think of was how those same muscles would be tensing up when my sword ran him through. I enjoyed watching his little show, knowing full well, those same powerful muscles would soon enough be doing a final encore.

He spread out his arms arrogantly and turned around haughtily, a mighty spectacle for the crowd to behold. He didn't seem to care about the disapproval of the crowd. He didn't need them. After all, he had his blade and it was far to easy to turn a crowd. A small tingling of doubt cast its shadow over me. I tried hard to subdue it. But, my heart began racing in my chest. Hatred and anger with even a slight touch of fear boiled over. After a quick salute, I made my charge.

He stood there, as I mustered my vengeful rage into a powerful courage and made my dash at him. My sword arm was fully cocked for the kill. The crowd was awed by my muscular, youthful beauty as I charged my opponent. Time seemed to briefly stand still. The ladies longed to have their legs and arms wrapped around my powerful handsome hips. The older men desired to be or at least have me. I was a young god in their eyes, a god of youth, a god of strength, a god of justice, a god of beauty. Those four years slaving away myself at home had paid off. I was, for this brief moment, the new champion and the desire of all.

What was really about five seconds seemed more like a minute as I made the charge. He might have strength and experience. But I had justice, heart and speed on my side. I got in close enough proximity to almost collide with him, about to thrust my sword straight into his heart, when I felt a heavy hit to my gut, almost as if he had kneed me there.

I heard a loud gasp “Uuhhhh!!”. I wasn't sure if it was from him or the crowd. I bent forward and looked down at my gut to see his blade buried about six inches into my navel. My eyes widened in disbelief, shock ran throughout my body, causing me to drop my sword. This couldn't be. I looked up at him, my face flushed. His arrogant eyes squinted from the sly grin.

My stomach sickened. This was supposed to be justice. I looked again at my firm, strong body and realized that, though clothed in tightly toned muscles, I was still a weak young man. I had spent years training and toning, only to lose it all in a single quick instant.

He placed an arm around my shoulder. His chest pressed partly against mine as he whispered in my ear. “You had the heart of a warrior, but lacked the skill.”

My knees began to shake as my manhood released and semen ran down my leg. My breathing was still strong and powerful. I felt as If I was going to pass out, but, he began rubbing my back gently. “Not yet,” he whispered. “You tried hard, now, the least you can do is die like a man.” He slowly added pressure on the blade and I felt my whole gut begin throbbing violently as he buried the blade entirely through my gut. The sharp point sticking out through my back. I arched forward from the searing pain, my chest resting against his arm, my cheek pressed against his massive bicep.

He rubbed his hand tenderly between my shoulder blades and gave me a couple pats. “Now, that's a good boy. Go to your daddy.” With that, he yanked the blade out of my gut. The sharp, almost electric pain caused me to let out a muffled cry as I fell down to my knees. I bent forward, placing my hands over my wounds, the streaming blood trickled between my fingers.

I felt light-headed and dizzied as I fell over to my side.  I looked up to see him raise his sword high in the air, my blood still dripping from it, while the crowd erupted out into great cheers.  My abs muscles heaved together with a couple of pounding thusts. I let out a couple quiet gaspy sighs. My bare legs gave a final squirming seizure and all went still........

Jungle Outpost #2 (story/pic)


Jungle Outpost #2


Sarge was taking a smoke break away from his men.  He went to pursue the young private who was doing a perimeter check.  He was utterly annoyed with how lackadaisical his men had become during their time away from the front line and wanted to make sure there were no screw ups.  He rounded the corner of the fence, just out of eyesight from his men, when a spear came flying out of the forest, ramming into his midsection and completely piercing him through.  In shock, he reached up and grabbed the shaft sticking out of his torso.


A dizzying and sickening sensation ripped through his stomach as he began spewing blood from his lips.  He fell to his knees, noticing one of his soldiers lying dead nearby.  His mind quickly raced to his other men, fearing for them.  He wanted to save them, protect them, but the dizzying-blackening sensation clouded his thoughts and he slumped over on the ground.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jungle Outpost #1 (story/pic)

Jungle outpost.

The young soldier was checking the perimeter of the camp.  Their unit hadn't seen any action for weeks.  He casually glanced into the thick trees, expecting nothing.  Just then, he heard some swishing and felt three heavy thuds into his abs.  He saw the fletching sticking out of his gut.  He turned his head upward from where the arrows came from.  Three enemy ninjas armed with crossbows were smiling and waving as the young soldier fell.

Friday, May 20, 2016

This Forum

Battles & Deaths

The long-awaited time has finally arrived.  I have created a blog for my stories, my alters, etc.   If you are a member of arenafighters forum on yuku, then you may be familiar with my work.  

My work consists of fantasy battles and deaths.  All are works of fiction.  (Please, don't try this as home.)  If you enjoy this stuff, let me know.  If not, please move on.