Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Javeline Catcher (story/pic)

        Thad was one of those guys who were annoying as hell in college.  Sure, he had a great physique, but he had very little beyond that.  He thought that since he was so well built that he was awesome at every sport.  Unfortunately, what god granted him in his figure, he did not grant him in skill.

        Thad was one of those know-it-alls who thought he was the greatest in any sport he went for.  This brought a ton of ire from his far better skilled teammates.

        Even though he failed to make the cut for the track team, Thad felt it his obligation to come to each practice and to try to "coach" those who made the team.  After a few weeks of this, one of the team captains asked Thad to stand out in the field to retrieve the javelins.  

        At first, Thad thought this was beneath him, but the captain told him it would give him the best vantage point to critique the javelin-thrower's style and form.  This was something Thad could not pass up. 

        He stood out in the field, just beyond the distance where they had been throwing the javelins.  After each throw, Thad would make a snide comment or spew out some criticism towards even the best athletes.

        Finally, one athlete grew angry.  He had just thrown his personal and the teams best, still Thad came back, carrying the javeline and correcting him on his form and technique.  

        The athlete, tired of this talentless prick criticizing his every throw, had what we shall call an "exchange of words".  During the argument, Thad took off his shirt and told the athlete, when you have a body like this, then you can talk.

        With those words, Thad began walking back out into the field.  About halfway there, the athlete yelled out to him, "Hey, M---er F--ker."  

        Thad turned to yell back and the athlete launched his javelin with deadly accuracy, piercing Thad straight through his muscular abs.  The young man stood there in shock with the javelin skewering him through the navel.   

        The rest of the team erupted in cheers.  All Thad could do was stare until his his hunky body fell into the dust of the field in a worthless heap.


  1. Very nice story! I like that everyone cheered at his death.

  2. Cocky bastard had it coming to him.....found out that rock-hard abs are no protection from a thrown javelin. He got the point, though......right in his bellybutton! Uhhhhhhahhhh. Love it! We've all known guys like Thad, haven't we? Thanks.
